Thursday, 11 September 2008

Writer's Block Can Be Cured Starting Today

Writer's Block Can Be Cured, Starting Today
By Georganne Fiumara

Writer's block is related to procrastination, but is much more serious. It stops us dead in our tracks and strikes fear in our hearts. It doesn't have to be that way. If you follow the same writing plan every time you write, it will eliminate stress and help you avoid the dreaded WB.

You might be surprised to learn that if you procrastinate and/or have writer's block, there is a good chance that you are a perfectionist. Deep down, you fear that you won't do a good job, or that your ideas are not the best.

Sometimes, you just need to figure out what is bothering you about your article and make the needed adjustments.

Here are some other techniques you can use to start your fingers flying over the keyboard:

You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction. Replace it with something on which you feel better able to concentrate. Make A Plan: A step-by-step plan can help you avoid writer's block because you will always know what your next step is, and you won't have a chance to over-think it.

Switch Things Up: If you can't write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don't copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up while you write.

Just Do It: If you can't write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer's block, write anything you can think of. Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Whatever you decide to do, don't give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer's block will fade away.

WRITE AN ARTICLE-A-DAY, THE EASY WAY by Georganne Fiumara will help you write an article in just one day or an e-book in 7 days for fame, fortune or web traffic. To learn more, go to Get your article questions answered by going to Georganne's informative new blog at

Article Source:,-Starting-Today&id=240386

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