Friday, 12 September 2008

Freelance Copywriter Secrets: Removing Readers' Mental Barriers

Freelance Copywriter Secrets: Removing Readers' Mental Barriers
By Charles Brown

As a freelance copywriter, I have come to think of my work as that of slowly, methodically removing a readers doubts, apathy and other mental barriers. In some ways, my job is like being a matchmaker between a good, quality product and the person who can truly benefit from owning it.

Here are a few of the mental barriers that a freelance copywriter may have to remove between a product or service, and the potential customer who truly needs and wants what this product can do:

  • Lack of awareness that the person may actually have a need or a problem. Some needs require education before the reader recognizes that it exists. Paying for childrens college education might be an example here. Many parents have no idea what inflation will do to the cost of college tuition by the time their kids reach the age of 18.

  • Lack of concern because the problem seems too remote. Insurance agents and financial planners face this issue every day. We all should plan for retirement, and out deaths are inevitable, but many people lull themselves into complacency because both events seem a long way off. In order to sell a product these people truly need, they must first be shaken out of that complacency.

  • Lack of interest and attention. the average person is exposed to 10,000 advertisements and marketing messages a day. In order to grab a readers attention, you must start with a headline that appeals to readers self interest. Check out my article on Freelance Copywriter Secrets: How to Tap Into Your Readers' Deepest Needs to learn more about how to appeal to a persons deepest needs.

  • Doubts and skepticism. As a result of those 10,000 marketing messages, each claiming to offer the very best widget known to man, people are naturally skeptical of puffery. Support your claims with facts, specific examples, testimonials from satisfied customers, scientific data, etc.

  • Theyre all alike. Shame on you if you allow people to think your product is just like everyone elses. That is the sign of a freelance copywriter just not doing his or her job. Stand out! Draw attention to why your product is better, different and worth a higher price. But you can only do this by creating a category of one, and then come to OWN that category. Your product must be the biggest (or even better, the only) fish in the pond. Your job is to create that pond.

It is extremely important to understand why a person, who can truly benefit from a product or service, may still choose not to buy it. I want to anticipate these objections and barriers head-on, so I write out every reason, objection, doubt and misunderstanding my potential readers may have.

Then I write copy that answers each of these problems. In so doing, I am able to chip away at their barriers.

COPYRIGHT 2006, Charles Brown All rights reserved.

Download your free copy of 99 Ideas For Writing Irresistible Web Content, written by Charles Brown, a Dallas, Texas based freelance copywriter who writes web copy, advertisements, white papers and direct mail. Read his Freelance Copywriter Secrets at or contact him at 817.715.3852 or ****.

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