Friday, 12 September 2008

No One Can Write 8500 Articles in 18months Time

No One Can Write 8500 Articles in 18-months Time
By Lance Winslow

Most authors find it difficult to write online articles more than a few per day. One online article author who has some very decent articles actually writes between one and two articles per day and works extremely hard to do it. She feels drowned out and does not see how anyone can possibly write thousands of articles.

Well to this I say sure they can, I did. In fact I wrote 1111 articles in I think it was June alone. I consistently write 400-600 per month and am already up 240 on the month this month and it is only the 6th of the month. I do not use software to do this, although I have used voice activated assist yet I find that generally when I do I spend more time editing than it is worth really.

Additionally I do most all the articles off the top of my head, so if someone were to simply think and observe what they see and be actively involved in their lives they could do the same thing too. People are generally lazy. And I have been accused of not having the best or perfect-est articles, but I am not a writer or an editor and so if I can do this anyone can.

I bet I hit 1000 articles this month and top 10,000 by end of October. So I say to the critics, despite there comments, stop lowering your expectations and get busy doing rather than putting false barriers of productivity in front of you. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

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